My Story

Where it all started...

When I was younger, I was a shy girl. I felt lost, insecure and undeserving of my dreams.

My goals always felt so out of reach, that I would dismiss any progress I’d made towards achieving them.

I’d self-sabotage, as if all my hard work meant nothing, because deep down I didn’t truly believe that I was capable or worthy of achieving success. 

I’d tried anti-depressants before, and they just numbed my pain but didn’t get to the root cause of the problem.


They turned me into a robot, and I wanted to experience life with feeling, otherwise I didn’t see the point.  

Years of bullying, trauma and criticism had left me feeling like it was better to shrink myself down and be invisible. 

So that’s what I did… 

I hid myself away.  

I Was Lost

Now, if you were to ask the people who know me, most of them would probably be surprised to hear this.

In fact, they might even disagree.


Because I knew how to APPEAR

I became so comfortable with being THAT version of myself, that changing myself from the inside didn’t seem like an option for me.

It was too scary.

So, I did what most people do…

I changed on the outside.

I would feel really passionate
about something and pursue it with as much energy as possible… and then what would happen?

I would get bored, quit, feel frustrated that I’ve failed, hit a
wall and wander aimlessly for a little while, only to stumble upon the next victim; a new hair colour, a new course, a new hobby, a new job, a new ‘style’… 

Many, many times.

Until I realised something.

I was hiding behind a mask.

No matter how many times I changed my external environment, I still didn’t feel confident in myself.

It helped to an extent, but I still felt like I wasn’t good

I didn’t feel like I fit in
because I had different interests and didn’t fit into a ‘box’ or a stereotype.
I preferred to be on my own.

I was depressed but hopeful at the same time.

I knew I had my whole life ahead of me and SO many dreams of the places I wanted to go to, the people I would meet and the things I wanted to do. 


Now, imagine someone gives you a location to meet them at, but you have no access to any form of navigation assistance.

No map.

No instructions.


Just you and your young,
inexperienced, lost self. 

THAT’S how I felt. 

I Fell Into Darkness

I was distracted. I realised that
all of these ‘changes’ I was making were just surface level, they satisfied my hunger for a little while, but they weren’t fulfilling my need to feel whole and

I still craved more. I needed to
be NOURISHED from the inside out.

After years of battling with my
mental health, losing hope, losing people, getting distracted, job hopping and spiraling into a pit of despair, I KNEW something had to change. 

Working three, sometimes four
jobs at a time, just so I could afford to live and pay my debts, I was EXHAUSTED.

The flame had officially vanished into a puff of smoke.

I had reached BURNOUT. 

The minimum wage-earning,
people-pleasing, naïve and helpless little bird had lost all of her feathers… 

And after flapping around in a
panic for so long, I was making myself unwell and I fell... all the way to rock


My body needed rest and I knew I was destined for a better life than this. I’d had enough of struggling and
barely keeping my head above the water. 

And just when you give up looking for the answers on the outside and start looking within, you shall receive exactly what you ask for...

And Then I Found My Light

For the first time ever, I had an
opportunity to properly get to know myself and think about who I was.

I realised that of all the things I had been interested in, holistic health was a topic area that had never left me. 

At last, I had found a thread to
hold onto. 

I decided to focus on ONE the thing that mattered most.

My health.

All aspects of it; physically, mentally, emotionally
and spiritually.

I spent a whole summer, (aside
from working and taking nature walks) locked in my room, consuming content on mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health.

From books, to podcasts,
YouTube videos, social media content of my favourite influencers, you name it.
I became OBSESSED with healing myself. The more I learned, the more addicted I got. 

Fast Forward To Now

Fast forward to now and I am a
strong, confident and capable woman who believes in herself and stands strong in her power, knowing that she can achieve anything she puts her mind to.

I have mastered a way of altering my perspective, so that I can live in harmony between where I am now and where I want to be.  

I found my SELF.

My own sense of DIRECTION, my own source of INSPIRATION, my own ideas of SUCCESS and the ability to restore my own HEALTH and create my own HAPPINESS. 

Along the way, I fell many times...and I’m sure there will be plenty more; because that is a part of life.  

The difference now is, because of my journey, I have been able to pick up useful tools along the way, which have helped me to navigate myself through the darkness of my own thoughts, beliefs, feelings and self-sabotaging behaviours, and I’ve learned how to pick myself up and move on, each and every. Single. Time. 

I can now recognise when I start to feel that pull- when I’m battling with my own thoughts and feelings- and I can steer myself back on track before I get sucked into the depths of despair again.

I PROMISED myself I would never let myself go there again. And I MUST stick to that, whatever the cost.  

I no longer worry about what others will think about me.

I now feel happy and confident in my own skin.

I no longer feel that endless hunger for the approval of others; constantly changing myself to feel accepted.

I change for myself and for those I love. On MY terms.

I no longer feel like those dreams are so far out of reach, because I am already creating the life I desire.

Because I know I DESERVE it.

And so do you!

Let Me Hold Your Hand

That’s why I want to help other
women who are battling the same demons as I used to.

I remember how it feels to have
such HUGE aspirations, yet be DEBILITATED by having such little confidence.

I changed myself from the inside out.

I dug deep, uncovered all of those inner wounds, and HEALED myself.

Now it’s MY turn to help YOU.

My dedication to myself and my own self-coaching journey has opened up a doorway for me to be able to help others, through coaching, who are also now experiencing the same thoughts, feelings and behaviours that I did.

I can now hold someone’s hand as they find their own sense of DIRECTION, source of INSPIRATION and ideas of SUCCESS.

I can help people to sustain all aspects of their own HEALTH and build their own CONFIDENCE. 

It's Time To Take Some Action

If you’re ready break free of the
anxious, doubtful, lost and insecure version of you and transform into the healthy, happy, inspired and successful version of you, then I invite you to book a complimentary, one-to-one discovery session with me.  

Click on the button below to learn more!

Click Here to Book Your Free One-To-One Discovery Session With Me!